Candidate – Tanya Kehoe

As a lifelong resident of Mt Emu Ward, I am deeply passionate about our Pyrenees community, in particular the residents of the Mt Emu Ward.

I wish to thank all residents for their support and collaboration over the years I have served. I have had the honour of serving the Mt Emu ward over several terms, and to serve two terms as Mayor.

My husband Bernard and I run a crossbred sheep farm and agri-tourism business at Mt Emu, where we live with our children.

Coming from a third-generation farming family, I am committed to supporting our local farming community but also incredibly passionate about supporting business, tourism, services and liveability for residents of all ages across our shire.

With a background in education, from primary to tertiary levels, I currently work in pastoral care at a university while pursuing a Ph.D. in education.

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Supporting youth and their efforts to improve our communities is something I truly value and also supporting our fantastic local schools to continue to prosper.

I have actively participated in many community groups, including sporting, charity, youth, arts, agricultural and emergency service organisations.

I have served on the Pyrenees Municipal Emergency Management Committee for many years, working to protect our communities during crises and aiding in flood and bushfire recovery efforts across the shire.

I am committed to ensuring good governance in all council matters: keeping rates low, improving road and bridge quality and safety, enhancing waste and recycling management, and supporting our farming community and local businesses.

I also prioritise improving access to health services, childcare, libraries, environmental and recreational activities.

I will continue advocating for key projects across Mt Emu Ward, including road and bridge improvements, community care services, township planning in Snake Valley, waste and recycling facilities, and better telecommunications.

I aim to represent your concerns and work toward improving the safety, liveability, and prosperity of all the residents of the Pyrenees Shire and in particular residents of my beloved Mt Emu Ward.

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